Monday, March 5, 2007


Before the oh so exciting day that these arrived, there were the oh so long applications from Brio/Focus on the Family to fill out. Our pastor even had a short page to fill out. Yes, references too. It was soo cool to read Chasie's application when she was finished. Being able to read of how she believes God has given her a heart for children and how she wants to reach those who don't know him sooo touched me. My eyes fill with tears now.....Thank you God! Yes, there is no greater joy than to see that your children are walking with the Lord. Not my words :). Of course my acceptance letters came too. Although weeks after hers. It was funny, because one of the questions on my application (to go as a leader) was what my weakness was in working with teens. I truly believe my strength is with this group, so I asked Chasity what weakness she saw in me concerning teens. Her answer, after much thought, was "You don't have one, are you allowed to put that". Awwww soooo many brownie points for my Chas. After prayer I did answer the question. Not with Chasity's answer. She didn't know what I wrote. The days grew more and more between her getting her acceptance letters and mine not coming. She finally came to me and said "What did you put on your application!" It was soo funny. My letters did come (an e-mail acceptance too)
and it was official....WE were going on a MISSIONS trip to PERU. We had already started fundraising. We both believed this was what God wanted for us, so was walking in faith. :)More to come on fundaising things we did! Almost time for school .

1 comment:

Mom & Mamaw said...

This is like a journal writing for you, Theresa. I think it is a great idea. I hope many will read this and join in on your blog.
Enjoyed reading your intriguing short story.
Maybe the reporter from the newspaper should read this. HMMMM ... I wonder if she know's about it.
What! OH yes,I'm listening ... uh,I was just thinking. Mom