Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My highs/lows for the past few days

Lows first: 1.) ice on my windshield this morning...wasn't fun scraping the windshield with an old shirt that was in the van...So unprepared for it this morning!!

2.) Thought my dogs ear looked funny...was sticking out sideways. After a much closer look, found out it was because Sevan and Tori wanted to put her ears in ponytails! It was swollen and red. She kept tilting her head sideways, so sad!!

3.) Brio magazine( the one we went on the missions trip with ),a Christian girl's magazine, put out by Focus on the Family, is going to be ending ! It's boy magazine, Breakaway too! We have subscribed to it for is so popular ( can even get it at the library) I am in shock that it is happening.....sniff sniff sniff.

My Highs:
1.) My doggie is okay...and at least it was done by the girls, trying to make her look cute, and not by the lil guy who has been known to be mean to her! (He once said.."Mom, why does God make me be mean to animals"!!!! Being totally serious! haha

2.) Was going to take a fast bath last night after my shower...when after just a minute of the water running, in comes Luke...he had torn off a bunch of grapes and brought those and my Bible to me ! How sweet is he ? !

3.) signed up Sevan and Luke for Upwards basketball. FOR FREE !!! There was no way we could justify/afford at this time in our lives, the amount of money it was gonna cost to sign them up, but was told because Larry was in Iraq last year, the kids should have been free; They didn't know until it was too late, so they could play for free this year!! Whoo-Hoo!! Thank you God!! He certainly knew when to allow the no charge to happen!

4.) The other Day at work, Mike King came up to me to see how everything was going. He said his wife had asked him about me :) He told me he told my manager that I was a good Christian girl and not to be acting all stupid around me ! LOL He also said he knew it had been awhile since I had been in a "work environment" and that it wasn't church but to let him no if any lines were crossed. How sweet ! It is no wonder Megan is such a sweetie, with her mom and dad being so thoughtful !

Oops, gotta get ready for church!!!! Thank you God for ALL the blessings in my life!!!!

1 comment:

Hers and His said...

Chris and I tell each other our highs and lows every day. We would always mention each other in our highs, and so now we have to ask each other, "What was your high for the day that didn't have to do with me!?" haha We're in love ;)

As for Luke's comment "why does God make me be mean to animals?"...that is hilarious! I laughed out loud when I read that one because I can totally see him asking that.

Yes, my Dad is a hoot. I have been blessed with wonderful parents :)