Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration Day

Today April and I made some cookies and cupcakes ( at Wal-Mart ) for Obama's inaugaration tomorrow. I think I am going to buy some for my kiddos...they ( along with Lar and I ) were so sad when McCain didn't win. I thought they could eat some of them while watching the inaugaration. Make it a "fun" lesson in how we have to respect the position Obama will be taking, how GOD IS in control, and how He tells us to pray for our leaders, and then do just that. Anyways, Thought I'd share what we'll be doing to "cheer up " our case yours might need a lil cheering up too ;)


Hers and His said...

That's a great idea! Maybe I can use your idea to help cheer Chris up tomorrow ... :)

Caylin said...

That's nice, it does make me feel better, I had been dreading that day since November, it is so hard to support someone you totally disagree with....but you are definitely right, whenever I start to get upset all I can do is pray, I don't understand why things like this happen but He definitely does.

historygirl said...

god may have a plan in mind for obama.. i wonder if he is christian. i am praying for obama..
and you all..